


ASTRA Newsletters


About 80 quarterly newsletters and programmes, 1982-1999.


‘Space News’ reports, Astronomy Quarterly, 1977-79, followed by ‘The Sky Above You’, monthly astronomy and spaceflight column in up to three parts, appearing May 1983-1993 in various newspapers and magazines at various times including Asgard, Dream Magazine, Eastern Counties Magazine, Free Space News, Infinity, Interstel, International Spacereport, New Moon, Rocket Review, Scottish Astronomers Group Magazine, Settlers' Sentinel, Spacefaring Gazette, Spacereport, Space Voyager, The Night Sky, The Sunday Sun (Newcastle), West Lancashire Evening Gazette, and more recently in The Southsider, Dalyan Kingfisher, Cosmic Aspects, Wyldwood Radio Magazine, AllSky News, and The WORD on the Streets (quarterly), Jeff Hawke’s Cosmos (three times yearly from 2003 to 2018), Space and Scotland (quarterly 2016-17), The Ayrshire Post (monthly, autumn 2012 to summer 2017) ongoing in Troon’s Going Out, monthly since 2012, Orkney News, monthly since March 2018, ACTA SCIO website, 2014-2022, Celtic Cosmos website, 2019, broadcast on ArranSound Radio, monthly since August 2023



The Sky above You’ by Duncan Lunan, Segment 1.


108 articles 1983-1993, various newspapers and magazines.



The Sky above You’ by Duncan Lunan, Segment 2 Articles.


1. Amateur Involvement in Astronomy.

2. Starting Astronomy.

3. Space Travel and Astronomy – How to Get Involved.

4. Amateur Astronomers’ Experiences.

5. Amateur Reports.

6-8. Choosing a Telescope (1-3).

9-14. Using a Small Telescope (1-5).

15. Lunar Eclipses.

16. Amateur Interest in Spaceflight.

17. The Winter Stars.

18-19. Compass Points in the Sky (1-2).

20-21. Atmospheric refraction (1-2).

22-26. Co-ordinate Systems (1-5).

27-62. Observing the Stars (1-36).

63. Observing Halley’s Comet.

64. Comets.

65-68. Meteors and Meteorites (1-4).

69. The Perseid Meteors.

70. Observing the Autumn Meteors.

71-72. The Summer Solstice (1-2).

73-76. Astronomy in California (1-4).

77. Astronomy in New York.

78. The Southern Sky.


Astronomy and Space’ course, Marr College, Troon, Sept. 2012 – Mar. 2013.


(79. Using a Small Telescope – Glasgow Parks Astronomy Project, 1979).

80. Getting started in Astronomy.

81. Choosing a Telescope.

82. Using a Small Telescope.

83. How To Find the Constellations.

84. Observing the Stars.

85. Coordinate Systems.

86. Compass Points in the Sky.

87. An Introduction to the Planets.

88. The Moon.

89. Lunar and Solar Eclipses.

90. The Sun.

91. Mercury.

92. Venus.

93. Mars and its Moons.

94. Manned Mars Missions.

95. Asteroids.

96. Jupiter and its Moons.

97. Saturn and its Moons.

98. Uranus, Neptune and their Moons.

99. The Kuiper Belt.

100. Comets.

101. Atmospheric Refraction.

102. The Milky Way.

103. Stars and Nebulae.

104. Galaxies and cosmology.

105. Manned Spaceflight.


New Versions Begun for Trinity College Course Sep-Oct 2019, published Orkney News 2021 as ‘Astronomy Beginners’ Guide’ (Book version pending)


1. Getting Started in Astronomy, 21st March 2021.

2. Compass Points in the Sky, 28th March 2021.

3. Co-ordinate Systems, 4th April 2021.

4. The Sun, 11th April 2021.

5. The Moon, 18th April 2021.

6. Lunar Eclipses, 2nd May 2021.

7. Choosing a Telescope, 9th May 2021.

8. Using a Small Telescope, 16th May 2021.

9. How to Find the Constellations (May), 23rd May 2021.

10. Ancient Constellations. 30th May 2021.

11. Mercury, 6th June 2021.

12. Venus, 13th June 2021.

13. Solstices and Sighthill, 20th June 2021.

14. Atmospheric Refraction, 27th June 2021.

15. Precession, 4th July 2021.

16. Mars Part 1, 18th July 2021.

17. Mars Part 2 – 25th July 2021, Mars and its Weather.

18. Mars Part 3 – 1st Aug. 2021, Mars and its Moons.

19. Mars Part 4 - 8th Aug 2021, Mars, Recent Missions.

20. Mars Part 5 – 15th Aug. 2021, Life on Mars.

21. Manned Mars Missions Part 1 - 22nd Aug. 2021.

22. Manned Mars Missions Part 2 - 29th Aug. 2021.

23. Jupiter - 5th September 2021.

24. Jupiter and its Moons - 12th September 2021.

25. Solstices, Equinoxes and Sighthill Part I - 19th September 2021.

26. Solstices, Equinoxes and Sighthill Part 2 - 26th September 2021.

27. Asteroids - 3rd October 2021.

28. Asteroids and Impacts - 10th October 2021.

29. Asteroid Resources - 17th October 2021.

30. Saturn and its Rings - 24th October 2021.

31. Saturn and its Moons, Part 1 - 31st October 2021.

32. Saturn and its Moons, Part 2 - 7th November 2021.

33. Uranus, Neptune and their Moons - 14th November 2021.

34. Pluto - 21st November 2021.

34. Pluto - 28th November 2021.

35. The Kuiper Belt - 5th December 2021.

36. Comets, Part 1 - 12th December 2021.

37. Comets, Part 2, Halley’s Comet and Meteors - 19th December 2021.

38. Comets, Part 3, Impacts - 26th December 2021.

39. Comets, Part 4, Spacecraft and Comets - 2nd January 2022.

40. Life on Other Worlds - 9th January 2022.

41. Winter and Spring Stars (1) - 16th January 2022.

42. Winter and Spring Stars (2) - 23rd January 2022.

43. Stars and Nebulae - 30th January 2022.

44. Novae and Supernovae - 6th February 2022.

45. The Milky Way - 13th February 2022.

46. Planets of Other Stars - 20th February 2022.

47. Galaxies, Part 1 - 27th February 2022.

48. Galaxies, Part 2 - 6th March 2022.

49. Cosmology - 13th March 2022.

50. Beyond Cosmology - 20th March 2022.

51. Time by the Stars - 27th March 2022.

52. Alexander Thom Star Declinations - 3rd April 2022.

53. Sighthill Observations - 10th April 2022.

54. Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence - 17th April 2022.

55. The Fermi Paradox, Part 1 - 24th April 2022.

56. The Fermi Paradox, Part 2 - 1st May 2022.

57. The Fermi Paradox, Part 3 - 8th May 2022.

58. Ed Buckley 1940-2021 - 15th May 2022.

59. Alan Evans 1941-2021 - 22nd May 2022.

60. Epsilon Boötis Revisited, Part 1 - 29th May 2022.

61. Epsilon Boötis Revisited, Part 2 - 5th June 2022.

62. Black Knight - 12th June 2022.

63. The Green Children of Woolpit, Part 1 - 19th June 2022.

64. The Green Children of Woolpit, Part 2 - 26th June 2022.

65. Visit to Orkney - 3rd July 2022.

66. Visitor at Uist - 10th July 2022.

67. Archaeoastronomy from the Air - 17th July 2022.

68. Eyewitness to History, Apollo through Binoculars - 24th July 2022.

69. Eyewitness, Discovery Landing - 31st July 2022.

70. Eyewitness, Challenger Liftoff - 7th August 2022.

71. Eyewitness, Shuttle Trainer, Houston - 14th August 2022.

72. Eyewitness, Mercury Capsule, 21st August 2022.

73. The Autumn Stars, 28th August 2022.

74. Variable Stars, 4th September 2022.

75. Dark Sky, Part 1, 11th September 2022.

76. Dark Sky, Part 2, 18th September 2022.

77. Howlers in Space, 25th September 2022.

78. Howlers in Space, Part 2, 2nd October 2022.

79. Howlers in Space, Part 3, 9th October 2022.

80. History of Spaceflight, 16th October 2022.

81. Project Apollo, Part 1, 23rd October 2022.

82. Project Apollo, Part 2, 30th October 2022.

83. Project Apollo, Part 3, 6th November 2022.

84. Space Stations - 13th November 2022.

85. Project Starseed - 20th November 2022.

86. Waverider - 27th November 2022.

87. Waverider, Part 2 - 4h December 2022.

88. Space Observatories - 11th December 2022.

89. The Southern Sky - 18th December 2022.

90. The Star of Bethlehem - 25th December 2022.




The Sky Above You’ News Articles


1. May 1983: News from Space.

2. June 1983: Cometary Flybys.

3. July 1983: Space Shuttle Progress.

4. Aug. 1983: The Planet in Taurus.

5. Sept. 1983: More News of Other Solar Systems.

6. Oct. 1983: Spacelab.

7. Nov. 1983: Space Probe News.

8. Dec. 1983: The Search for the Tenth Planet.

9. Jan. 1984: Evolution of Galaxies.

10. Feb. 1984: Astronomy and Space News.

11. Mar. 1984: Satellite Rescues.

12. Apr. 1984: Space Stations.

13. May 1984: Solar Studies.

14. June 1984: The Outer Planets.

15. July 1984: The Discovery Mission.

16. Aug. 1984: Are the Russians Going to Mars?

17. Sept. 1984: Nemesis and Bombardment.

18. Oct. 1984: Discovery Touchdown.

19. Nov. 1984: Challenger Liftoff.

20. Dec. 1984: the Galileo Mission.

21. Jan. 1985: Solar Mesosphere Explorer.

22/23. Feb./Mar 1985: The Red Planet (1-2).

24/25. Apr/May 1985: The Case for Mars (1-2).

26. June 1985: Halley’s Comet in Closeup.

27/28. July/Aug.1985: Space Manufacturing and Development (1-2).

29. Sept. 1985: The Argo Venture.

30. Oct. 1985: Project Starseed.

31. Nov. 1985: The Wonderful Mirror.

32. Dec. 1985: Halley’s Comet in Closeup.

33. Jan. 1986: 1986 in Space.

34. Jan. 1986: Voyager 2 and Uranus.

35. Feb. 1986: Challenger and the Future.

36. Mar. 1986: Voyager Photographs.

37. Apr. 1986: The First Look at Halley.

38. May 1986: The Waverider Update.

39/40. June/July 1986: Space Development Conference (1-2).

41. Aug. 1986: The Challenger Aftermath.

42. Sept. 1986: Soviet Space Stations.

43. Oct. 1986: Soviet Space Plans.

44. Nov. 1986: Pioneering the Space Frontier.

45. Dec. 1986: A Return to the Moon, Please.

46. Jan. 1987: The Neptune Options.

48. Feb. 1987: The Supernovae.

49. Mar. 1987: The Magellanic Supernova.

50. Apr. 1987: Magellanic Supernova – the Plot Thickens!

51. May 1987: The Soviet Booster.

52/53. June/July 1987: In the Interstellar Clouds (1-2).

54. Sept.1987: British National Space Centre. Incorporated into Spacereport.

55. Oct. 1987: The BNSC Crisis, contd..

56. Nov. 1987: The IAF Congress.

57. Jan. 1988: David Gregory.

58/59/60/61. Feb/Mar/Apr/May 1988: SETI at the IAF (1-4).

62. June 1988: Space Debris.

63. June 1988: The BNSC Problem Updated.

64. July 1988: Snowballs in the Sky.

65. Aug. 1988: The Soviet Space Shuttle.

66. Sept. 1988: The Waverider Update.

67. Sept. 1988: The Oldest Stones.

68. Oct. 1988: Moment of Discovery.

69. Nov. 1988: The Planet in Coma.

70. Dec. 1988: Nuclear Waste in Space.

71. Jan. 1989: News of the Supernova.

72. Feb. 1989: The Very Long Baseline.

73. Mar. 1989: Fire in the Sky (Io volcanoes).

74. May 1989: Magellan at Last.

75. June 1989: Back to the Comets.

76. July 1989: Mars in the 21st Century.

77. Aug. 1989: Here Comes Neptune.

78. Sept. 1989: Special report: The Neptune Encounter.

79. Oct. 1989: More on Neptune.

80. Nov. 1989: More Space News.

81. Dec. 1989: Shame About Solar Max.

82. Jan. 1990: Special Report: Earth Mission 2000.

83. Feb. 1990: Incoming Asteroid.

84. Mar. 1990: Space and Art.

85. Apr. 1990: Telescopes in Space.

86. May 1990: The Year of the Space Rescues.

87. June 1990: Of Telescopes and Mirrors.

88. Oct. 1990: Ulysses launch.

89. Dec 1990: Space News.

90. Jan 1991: The Weather on the Planets.

91. Feb 1991: Space News.

92. Mar 1991: Surprises on Venus (Magellan).

93. Apr 1991: Science Revisited (last IBM Heathrow Conference, held in London).

94. May 1991: The Temple of the Sky; Space News Update.

95. Jun 1991: Magellan results. Longer version ‘Planets and Probes’.

96. July1991: review, “Cosmic Perspectives”.

97. Aug. 1991: The Planet in Sagittarius.

98. Sep. 1991: review, “Too Hot to Handle”.

99. Oct. 1991: Crossroads in Space.

100. Nov. 1991: Project Starseed.

101. Dec. 1991: On the Ice-fields of Mercury.

102. Jan. 1992: Space News Update.

103. Feb. 1992: Humour in Science.

104. Mar. 1992: Rosetta, Are You Better?

105. Apr 1992: Review, “America at the Threshold”.

106. May 1992: Science on the Defensive.

107. June 1992: Hands Off our Moon!

108. Mar. 2003: Columbia, Pioneer 10, Galileo.

109. Aug. 2003: Mars probes.

110. Feb. 2004: Shenzhou, Closest Asteroid Yet Flies Past Earth, OWL - the Overwhelmingly Large Telescope.

111. June 2004: Concorde, the UK and the Planets.

112. Dec. 2004: Cassini and Huygens.

113-115. May 2005: Mars, Deep Impact, Titan at Last.

116. Dec 2005. Night sky only.

117-118. May 2006: Astronomy in Turkey, Current Space Missions (Stardust, New

Horizons, Cassini, Mars Express, Venus Express, Space Shuttle).

119-120. Jan. 2007: Public Observatories; SMART-1, Cassini, Pluto, Planemos.

121. Feb. 2007. Space Debris, reprinted Jeff Hawke’s Cosmos, May 2007.

122. Feb. 2007. 20 Years of the Night Sky, Index.

123. Mar. 2007. Messenger, Venus Express, Mars Express, MRO, rovers, MGS,

Rosetta Mars flyby, New Horizons Jupiter flyby, Cassini, Dawn (Vesta and

Ceres), Barbara Morgan, Chinese ASAT test.

124. May 2007. Current Space Missions.

125. Dec. 2007. Messenger, Dawn, Mars rovers, Deep Space 1, Shuttle, ISS.

126. June 2008. Messenger, Opportunity, Venus Express, Deep Impact, Columbus,


127. November 2008. Phoenix, Cassini-Enceladus, Space Shuttle, Hubble repair.

128. June 2009. Selene-Tycho, Phoenix, Mars methane, HST repair, extrasolar


129. November 2009. Venetia Phair-Burney.

130. November 2009. Galactic black holes, dark energy.

131. April 2010. US Space Policy, Pulsed Fusion.

132. July 2010. Hayabusa return.

133. Aug. 2010. Perseids, aurora.

134. September 2010. Sighthill Megalith, Meteosat Third Generation, Iridium-Next, Space Debris.

135. Jan. 2011. January constellations and planets.

136. Apr. 2011. Phobos, Lutetia, 2011 space missions, the oscillating Universe’, in press.

137. May 2011. Red Dwarfs and Dark Energy.

138. June 2011. Lunar Eclipses.

139. July 2011. Noctilucent Clouds.

140. Aug-Dec 2011. Juno, Dawn, Voyager, LRO-Tycho.

141. Aug. 2011. Dawn, Vesta and Ceres.

142. Sep. 2011. Solar Physics.

143. Oct. 2011. Draconid meteors.

144. Nov. 2011. Radio and Optical Astronomy.

145. Dec. 2011. Vesta and Pluto.

146. Jan. 2012. Phobos 2.

147. Mar. 2012. Auriga.

148. June 2012. Noctilucent clouds; ‘Going Above and Beyond’, Ayrshire Post, June 2012..

149. July 2012. Water under Mars; ‘Rise and Shine’, Ayrshire Post, 3rd August 2012..

150. August 2012. Perseid meteors; ‘September Moon’, Ayrshire Post, 31st August 2012..

151. Sept. 2012. Uranus Pathfinder.

152. Oct. 2012. Mars exploration update; ‘Moon and Jupiter Will Be Close’, Ayrshire Post, October 2012..

153. Nov. 2012. Coming Comets; ‘Let Us Look Skywards This November’, Ayrshire Post, 2nd November 2012.

154. Dec. 2012. Geminid Meteors; ‘Looking Forward to the Festive Sky’, Ayrshire Post, 7th December 2012..

155. Jan. 2013. Quadrantid Meteors, Sighthill stone circle; ‘Looking Skywards in the New Year’, Ayrshire Post, 4th January 2013.

156. Feb. 2013. Coming comets, asteroid close pass, stone circle; ‘Look Skywards for a View of Asteroid’, Ayrshire Post, 8th February 2013.

157. Mar. 2013. Moons of Pluto; ‘Jupiter Will Shine Bright in March’, Ayrshire Post, 8th March 2013.

158. ‘District News: Star Gazing’, Ayrshire Post, March 2013.

159. Apr. 2013. Sighthill and comets; ‘Jupiter Shines Brightly in Summer Sky’, Ayrshire Post, 5th April 2013..

160. May 2013. Eclipses and comets; ‘Supermoon Eclipse All Set for May’, Ayrshire Post, 3rd May 2013..

161. June 2013. Summer solstice and supermoon at Sighthill and Ballochroy; ‘The Sky Above’, Ayrshire Post, 31st May 2013.

162. July 2013. Sighthill-related concerts; ‘Scope Out the Moons Around Saturn’, Ayrshire Post, 5th July 2013.

163. Aug. 2013. Comet ISON, Juno, asteroid Ianbanks; ‘Look Skywards for Author’s Asteroid’, Ayrshire Post, 2nd August 2013.

164. Sep. 2013. Spica occultation, Comet ISON; ‘Duncan Lunan Takes a Look Skywards’, Ayrshire Post, 30th August 2013.

165. Oct. 2013. Comet ISON; ‘The October Skies’, Ayrshire Post, October 2013.

166. Nov. 2013. Comet ISON; ‘The Sky Above’, Ayrshire Post, 1st November 2013.

167. Dec. 2013. Comet ISON; ‘Christmas on Mars’, Ayrshire Post, 6th December 2013.

168. Jan. 2014. Comet ISON, Quadrantid meteors; ‘The Sky Above You’, Ayrshire Post, 3rd January 2014.

169. ‘Seeing Stars When New Astronomy Club Meets’, Ayrshire Post, 17th January 2014.

170. Feb. 2014. National Astronomy Week, coming space probe encounters.

171. Feb-Mar. 2014. National Astronomy Week, Rosetta, Astronomers of the Future.

172. Mar. 2014. National Astronomy Week, Rosetta, Astronomers of the Future; ‘It’s in the Stars’, Ayrshire Post, 7th March 2014.

173. ‘Space Club’s Guest’, Ayrshire Post, 14th March 2014.

174. Late Mar.-June 2014. Seasons; Rosetta; Astronomers of the Future.

175. Apr. 2014. Ayrshire astronomy meetings; ‘The Sky Above’, Ayrshire Post, 4th April 2014.

176. ‘Starman Robert Is Welcome Speaker’, Ayrshire Post, 9th May 2014.

177. May 2014. Meteor showers; ‘The Sky Above’, Ayrshire Post, 9th May 2014.

178. June 2014. Seasons; ‘Seasons in the Sun’, Ayrshire Post, 6th June 2014.

179. July-Sep. 2014. Venus Express, conjunctions.

180. July 2014. Venus Express, Ceres and Vesta; ‘The Sky Above’, Ayrshire Post, 4th July 2014.

181. Aug. 2014. Venus Express update; ‘The Sky Above’, Ayrshire Post, 1st August 2014.

182. ‘Observing the Stars’, Ayrshire Post, 1st August 2014.

183. ‘Astronomy Club Get a Grant Boost’, Troon Times, 5th August 2014.

184. ‘Astronomy Club’s New Guest’, Troon Times, 19th August 2014.

185. ‘Astronomy Club Event’, Troon Times, 26th August 2014.

186. ‘In Brief: Talk on How Scots Shaped Astronomy’, Ayrshire Post, 29th August 2014.

187. Sep. 2014. Mars probes and Rosetta; ‘The Sky Above’, Ayrshire Post, 5th September 2014.

188. Sep-Dec. 2014. Comets and probes.

189. ‘Astronomy and Space’, Ayrshire Post, 19th September 2014.

190. Oct. 2014. Comet McNaught, lunar standstill; ‘The Sky Above Us’, Ayrshire Post, 10th October 2014.

191. Nov. 2014. Siding Spring, Philae; ‘The Sky Above Us’, Ayrshire Post, 31st October 2014.

192. Dec 2014 (1): Uranus storms, Philae.

193. Dec. 2014 (2): Uranus storms, Jupiter moons.

194. ‘Near Earth Objects’, Ayrshire Post, 12th December 2014.

195. Dec. 2014 - Mar. 2015. Lunar standstill, Uranus storms, meteor showers.

196. Jan. 2015. Uranus storms, Rosetta, Dawn and New Horizons.

197. Jan. 2015(2). Fifth Comet Lovejoy; ‘The Sky Above Us’, Ayrshire Post, 9th January 2015.

198. ‘Space Discussion’, Ayrshire Post, 23rd January 2015.

199. Feb. 2015. Comet Lovejoy, Dawn and New Horizons; ‘Astronomers of the Future Club’, Ayrshire Post, 27th February 2015.

200. Mar. 2015. Solar eclipse, Dawn.

201. Mar. 2015 (2). Dawn reaches Ceres; ‘Duncan Lunan and the Sky Above Us’, Ayrshire Post, 6th March 2015..

202. Mar-June 2015. Eclipse, Dawn, New Horizons.

203. Apr. 2015. Dawn at Ceres; ‘A Bright New Dawn in the Sky Above Us’, Ayrshire Post, 3rd April 2015.

204. May 2015. Lunar standstill; ‘Written in the Stars’, Ayrshire Post, 8th May 2015.

205. May 2015 update.

206. June 2015. Dawn, New Horizons

207. June 2015 (2). Noctilucent clouds, Dawn, New Horizons.

208. June 2015 (3). Europa Clipper; ‘Europa! NASA Plans a Mission to Jupiter Moon’, Ayrshire Post, 5th June 2015.

209. July-Sep. 2015. Lunar events.

210. July 2015. New Horizons, noctilucent clouds; ‘Wake Up Sleepy Head, the Sun’s Out’, Ayrshire Post, 3rd July 2015.

211. ‘Lembit Is Guest Speaker at Club’, Ayrshire Post, 10th July 2015.

212. Aug. 2015. New Horizons, Dawn and Rosetta; ‘Perseids To Put On a Spectacular Show’, Ayrshire Post, 7th August 2015.

213. ‘District News: Astronomy Club’, Ayrshire Post, 21st August 2015.

214. ‘District News: Astronomy Club’, Ayrshire Post, 28th August 2015.

215. Sep. 2015. Lunar events.

216. Sep-Dec 2015. Planetary conjunctions.

217. Oct. 2015 (1). Lunar events and planetary conjunctions.

218. Oct. 2015 (2). Lunar events and planetary conjunctions, expanded.

219. Nov. 2015. Three-planets conjunction, meteor showers; ‘The Sky Above You’, Ayrshire Post, 6th November 2015.

220. Dec. 2015. Christmas standstill.

221. Dec-Mar. 2016. Christmas standstill.

222. Jan-Mar. 2016. Quadrantids, solar eclipse, Comet Catalina.

223. Late Dec-Jan 2016. Christmas standstill, Quadrantids, Comet Catalina.

224. Jan. 2016. Quadrantids, Comet Catalina; ‘Clubs News: Astronomy’, Ayrshire Post, 15th January 2016.

225. ‘Clubs News: Astronomers of the Future Club’, Ayrshire Post, 15th January 2016.

226. ‘Clubs News: Astronomers of the Future Club’, Ayrshire Post, 22nd January 2016.

227. Feb. 2016. Comets.

228. Feb 2016 (2). Altered Troon talks; ‘Clubs News: Astronomy’, Ayrshire Post, 5th February 2016.

229. Late Mar-June 2016. Mercury transit.

230. Mar 2016. Comet LINEAR, SETI.

231. Apr 2016. Venus occultation; ‘Club News: Astronomy’, Ayrshire Post, 1st April 2016.

232. ‘Club News: Astronomers of the Future’, Ayrshire Post, 15th April 2016.

233. ‘Club News: Astronomers of the Future’, Ayrshire Post, 22nd April 2016.

234. ‘Club News: Astronomers of the Future Club’, Ayrshire Post, 29th April 2016.

235. May 2016. Mercury transit.

236. June-Sep 2016. Juno mission.

237. June 2016. Occultations and other events; ‘Club News: Astronomy’, Ayrshire Post, 3rd June 2016..

238. Late June-Sep 2016. Juno mission.

239. July 2016. Juno mission; ‘Club News: Astronomy’, Ayrshire Post, 1st July 2016.

240. ‘Club News: Astronomers of the Future Club’, Ayrshire Post, 8th July 2016.

241. ‘Club News: Astronomers of the Future Club’, Ayrshire Post, 15th July 2016.

Aug 2016. Perseids, book launch.

242. Aug-Sep 2016. Juno arrival; ‘Club News: Astronomy’, Ayrshire Post, 5th August 2016.

243. ‘Club News: Astronomy’, Ayrshire Post, 12th August 2016.

244. ‘Club News: Astronomy’, Ayrshire Post, 19th August 2016.

245. Sep. 2016. OSIRIS-REX, Rosetta end, book launch; ‘Club News: Astronomers’, Ayrshire Post, 2nd September 2016.

246. Oct-Dec 2016. Hyades occultations, meteor showers.

247. Oct. 2016 (1). Oppositions, Ceres peak, Dawn final mission.

248. Oct. 2016 (2). TGO and Schiaparelli, Ceres peak, Dawn final mission.

249. ‘Club News: Astronomers of the Future Club’, Ayrshire Post, 21st October 2016.

250. ‘Club News: Astronomers of the Future Club’, Ayrshire Post, 28th October 2016.

251. Nov. 2016 (1). Schiaparelli and Juno problems, Dione water, Enceladus plumes.

252. Nov. 2016 (2). Asteroid-Polaris, Comet-Capella; ‘Club News: Astronomy’, Ayrshire Post, 4th November 2016.

253. ‘Club News: Astronomers of the Future’, Ayrshire Post, 11th November 2016.

254. Dec. 2016. Space & Scotland launch; ‘Club News: Astronomers of the Future’, Ayrshire Post, 9th December 2016.

255. Dec. 2016-Mar 2017. AOTF programme.

256. Jan. 2017. Bepicolombo, Cassini; ‘Club News: Astronomers of the Future’, Ayrshire Post, 13th January, 2017.

257. Feb. 2017. Bepicolombo, Cassini; ‘Club News: Astronomy’, Ayrshire Post, 10th February, 2017.

258. Mar. 2017. Bepicolombo, Cassini; ‘Club News: Astronomers of the Future Club’, Ayrshire Post, 10th March, 2017.

259. Mar-June 2017. Bepicolombo, Cassini, Juno.

260. Apr. 2017. Lyrid meteors; ‘Club News: Astronomers’, Ayrshire Post, 7th April 2017.

261. May 2017. Juno, Cassini; ‘Club News: Astronomy’, Ayrshire Post, 5th May 2017.

262. May 2017 (2). 49 Leonis occultation, Jupiter and Saturn satellites.

263. June 2017. Juno, Cassini.

264. June 2017 (2). Comet Johnson.

265. Late June-end Sept 2017. Bepi-Colombo, Juno, Cassini.

266. July 2017. Juno, Cassini, New Horizons.

267. Aug. 2017. Perseid meteors.

268. Sep. 2017. Cassini plunge, Neptune storm.

269. Sep-Dec 2017. Sighthill circle, Taurids, Leonids and Geminids.

270. Oct. 2017. Taurids and Orionids.

271. Nov. 2017. Taurids and Leonids.

272. Dec. 2017. Juno and Dawn.

273. Jan-Mar. 2018. Juno extension.

274. Jan. 2018 (1). Supermoon and Juno.

275. Jan. 2018 (2). Ceres opposition.

276. Feb. 2018. Ceres.

277. Mar. 2018 (1). Juno; March AOTF meeting.

278. Mar. 2018 (2). Opportunity and Saturn.

279. Apr. 2018. Juno results.

280. May 2018. Insight, Juno, noctilucent clouds.

281. June 2018. Saturn opposition, noctilucent clouds.

282. July 2018. Lunar eclipse and Mars opposition.

283. Aug. 2018. Asteroid sampling, Juno, Perseids.

284. Sep. 2018. Parker, equinox, Opportunity, Juno, Neptune.

285. Oct. 2018. Draconids and Orionids.

286. Nov. 2018. Leonid meteors.

287. Dec 2018. Comet Wirtanen, Andromedids and Geminids.

288. Dec 2018 (2). Comet Wirtanen, Andromedids and Geminids, Insight.

289. Late Dec/Jan. 2019. New Horizons.

290. Jan. 2019. New Horizons, OSIRIS-REX.

291. Jan. 2019 (2). Chang’e 4, Insight, New Horizons, OSIRIS-REX.

292. Feb. 2019. Chang’e 4, Insight, Opportunity, New Horizons, OSIRIS-REX.

293. Feb. 2019 (2). Supermoons.

294. Mar. 2019. Sighthill Circle recreation.

295. Mar. 2019 (2). Sighthill Circle recreation; Opportunity lost; Uranus and Neptune weather.

296. Apr. 2019. Sighthill Circle recreated.

297. Apr. 2019 (2). More details of Praesepe occultation, Jupiter stationary point, Uranus conjunction, Lyrid meteors.

298. May 2019 (1). Eta Aquarids.

299. May 2019 (2). Ceres opposition.

300. June 2019. Jupiter moon transits.

301. July 2019. Lunar eclipse; “From the Moon to the Stars” launch.

302. Aug. 2019. Oppositions.

303. Aug. 2019 (2). Retrograde motions.

304. Sep. 2019. Conjunctions.

305. Oct-Dec. 2019. Mercury transit.

306. Oct. 2019 (1). Orionid meteors; new OU course.

307. Oct. 2019 (2). Mars methane.

308. Nov. 2019. Mercury transit; Leonid meteors.

309. Nov. 2019 (2). Transit; Taurids and Leonids.

310. Dec. 2019. Geminid meteors.

311. Dec. 2019 (2). Evening and morning conjunctions.

312. Jan. 2020. Planetary conjunctions.

313. Jan. 2020 (2). Quadrantid meteors; Comet PanSTAARS; Betelgeuse ‘fainting’.

314. Feb. 2020. Conjunctions.

315. Mar. 2020 (1). Betelgeuse dimming.

316. Mar. 2020 (2). Conjunctions and Betelgeuse.

317. Apr. 2020. Supermoon, BepiColombo flyby, Lyrid meteors.

318. Apr. 2020 (2). Comet ATLAS.

319. May 2020. Comet ATLAS update.

320. June 2020. Venus occultation, noctilucent clouds.

321. July 2020. Mars probes, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto oppositions.

322. Aug. 2020. All planets visible over the night.

323. Sep. 2020. Mars probes.

324. Sep. 2020 (2). Oppositions.

325. Oct. 2020. Venus cloud life.

326. Oct. 2020 (2). Mars and Uranus oppositions.

327. Nov. 2020. Taurids and Leonids.

328. Dec 2020. Jupiter-Saturn Great Conjunction.

329. Dec 2020. Jupiter-Saturn Great Conjunction.

330. Dec. 2020 (2). Great Conjunction plus other events inc. Geminid meteors.

331. Jan. 2021. Mars-Uranus conjunction.

332. Jan. 2021 (2). Comet Atlas.

333. Feb. 2021. Mars probes, Heather Couper.

334. Mar. 2021. Mars probe arrivals.

335. Apr. 2021. Chang’e 5 and Juno 2025 extension.

336. Apr. 2021 (2). Chang’e 5, Juno 2025 extension, and Mars occultation.

337. May 2021. Luna 25, Eta Aquarid meteors.

338. June 2021. Partial eclipse, noctilucent clouds.

339. June 2021 (2). More on partial eclipse and stationary points.

340. July 2021. Venus, Ingenuity, Zurong, Juno.

341. July 2021 (2). SDSO fire.

342. Aug. 2021. Jupiter opposition, Perseid meteors.

343. Sep. 2021. Venus flybys, Ingenuity and Juno.

344. Oct. 2021. Orionid meteors, AOTF resumption.

345. Nov. 2021. AOTF resumption.

346. Dec. 2021. Solar eclipse, Leonid meteors.

346. Dec. 2021. Solar eclipse, Geminid meteors.

347. Dec. 2021 (2). December comets.

348. Jan. 2022. AOTF 2022 plans.

349. Feb 2022. James Webb Space Telescope.

350. Mar. 2022. Lunar impact, Ariane 6.

351. Mar. 2022. Lunar Impact, Ariane 6, JWST Image Stacking, Comet passing M13.

352. Apr. 2022. JWST coarse focus.

353. Apr. 2022 (2). JWST fine focus.

354. Apr-Jun. 2022. The Sky Above the Seashore, The Seashore Journal, pilot issue.

355. May 2022. Tau Herculid meteors.

356. June-Sep 2022. Uranus occultation.

357. June 2022. Jupiter conjunctions and transits.

358. June 2022 (2). Meteors and JWST update.

359. July 2022 (1). Noctilucent Clouds.

360. July 2022 (2). Meteor showers and Comet Holmes.

361. Aug. 2022. Rosalind Jackson, Psyche, New Horizons, JWST.

362. Aug 2022 (2). Dschubba occultation, Rosalind Jackson, Psyche, New Horizons, JWST.

363. Sep. 2022. Moon, Mars and Asteroid Missions.

364. Sep. 2022 (2). Moon, Mars and Asteroid Missions, updated.

365. Oct. 2022. Solar Eclipse, Orionid and Taurid Meteors.

366. Oct-Dec 2022. The Sky Above the Seashore, eclipses, occultations and meteors, accepted but unpublished.

367. Oct. 2022 (2). Dimorphos Impact.

368. Nov. 2022. Taurid meteors.

370. Dec. 2022. Mars opposition, Geminid meteors.

371. Dec. 2022 (2). Artemis, Mars opposition.

372. Jan. 2023. Mars occultations.

373. Jan. 2023 (2). Lunar missions and Quadrantids.

374. Feb. 2023 (1). Comet 2022E3.

375. Feb. 2023 (2). JUICE Mission.

376. Mar. 2023 (1). Comet E3.

377. Mar. 2023 (2). Venus-Jupiter conjunction, Lucy mission, Galilean aurorae, Comet E3.

378. Apr. 2023. Hybrid solar eclipse, Venus in dark sky.

379. Apr. 2023 (2). Hakuto-R, Chang’e-5, Io passes.

380. May 2023 (1). Jupiter, Uranus, Eta Aquarids.

381. May 2023 (2). Jupiter occultation, Eta Aquarids. Map reprinted in ‘Charting the Development of Maps’, Orkney News, 4th May, 2023.

382. ‘The Sky over the Seashore: The Moon’, Amara's Seashore Journals, Wave 1, 23rd May 2023.

383. June 2023 (1). Deimos Farside, JUICE antenna, Uranus moons.

384. June 2023 (2). Mars interior, Deimos Farside, SETI simulation, JUICE antenna, Io flyby, Saturn moons and rings, Uranus moons and vortex.

385. July 2023 (1). Venus-Mercury-Mars conjunction.

386. July 2023 (2). Sighthill summer sunrise, Mercury flyby, MAVEN Mars images, Euclid launch.

387. August 2023 (1): Perseid Meteors.

388. August 2023 (2): Blue Moon, lunar probes, Ingenuity, Perseids.

389. Sep. 2023 (1): Autumn equinox.

390. Sep. 2023 (2): Autumn equinox, Lunar probes, Curiosity, asteroid probes, Uranus and Neptune watch.

391. Oct. 2023 (1): Orionid and Taurid meteors.

392. Oct. 2023 (2): SLIM, Shadowcam, Curiosity, Ingenuity and Perseverance.

393. Nov. 2023 (1): Jupiter opposition, Leonid meteors.

394. Nov. 2023 (2): Mercury whistlers, Ingenuity, Jupiter jetstream, Io magma oceans.

395. Dec. 2023 (1): December meteors.

396. Dec. 2023 (2): Chang’e 5-T1, Mercury salt glaciers, Mars Transit of Earth, Dinkinesh moons, December meteors, Halley’s Comet aphelion.

397. Jan. 2024 (1): Peregrine Launch, Quadrantid meteors.

398. Jan. 2024 (2): Peregrine Launch, Chandrayaan 3, Perseverance and Ingenuity, Hayabusa 2, Uranus, Halley’s Comet.

399-400. Feb. 2024 (1 & 3): Venus and Mars Conjunction (TGO & Orkney News).

401. Feb. 2024 (2): Parker probe, lunar probes, Mars Escapades, Movement on Europa and on LISA (Arransound and DL website).

402. Mar. 2024 (1): Comet Pons-Brooks.

403. Mar. 2024 (2 - Arran): SLIM, Odysseus, Chang’e-6, Ingenuity, Bennu, Io, Mimas ocean, ‘Escape to Orkney’, Comets Pnns-Brooks and Olbers, Eris and Makemake oceans, Vanishing Stars.

404. Mar. 2024 (3 – Orkney): SLIM, Odysseus, Bennu, Io, Mimas ocean, ‘Escape to Orkney’, Comets Pnns-Brooks and Olbers, Eris and Makemake oceans.

405. Apr. 2024 (1-TGO): Comet Pons-Brooks, Jupiter-Uranus conjunction.

406. Apr. 2024 (2 – Orkney): Solar eclipse, Mars Express ocean, Noctis volcano, Europa and Enceladus plumes.

407. Apr, 2024 (3 – Arran): Odyssey and Slim, SOHO comets, Parker CMEs, Euclid repair.

408. May 2024 (1 – TGO): no visible planets, eta Aquarid meteors.

409. May 2024 (2 – Orkney): Giordano Bruno asteroid, Jezero lakeshore rocks, Loki Patera, Io sulphur, Sputnik Planitia, Voyager 1, Event Horizon Telescope.

410, May 2024 (3 – Arran): Giordano Bruno asteroid, SLIM, Ingenuity farewell, Loki Planitia, Sputnik Planum, Voyager 1, Event Horizon Telescope.

411. June 2024 (1 – TGO): noctilucent clouds.

412. June 2024 (2) – Arran: space debris, planetary conjunction, Chang’e-6, Bepi-Colombo, Lucy-Dinkinesh, Bennu hazard, Psyche, Amalthea, Voyager 1, TESS, noctilucent clouds.

413. June 2024 (3) – website: space debris, planetary conjunction, Chang’e-6, Bepi-Colombo, Lucy-Dinkinesh, Bennu hazard, Psyche, Amalthea, Voyager 1, TESS, noctilucent clouds.

414. June 2024 (4) – Orkney: planetary conjunction, Bepi-Colombo, Lucy-Dinkinesh, Bennu hazard, Psyche, Amalthea. Voyager 1, TESS, noctilucent clouds. Stop press: Solar Orbiter finds source of Solar Wind

415. July 2024 (1) -TGO: Planetary conjunctions.

416. July 2024 (2) – Arran. Chang’e-6, Perseverance traverse, Great Red Spot, Chandra funding, XRISM problem.

417. July 2024 (3) – Website. Chang’e-6, Perseverance traverse, Great Red Spot, Chandra funding, XRISM problem.

418. July 2024 (4) – Orkney, Chang’e-6, Perseverance traverse, Great Red Spot, XRISM problem.419. Aug. 2024 (1) – TGO: Lunar conjunctions, Perseid meteors.

420. Aug. 2024 (2) – Arran: Yutu-2, IM-2 & IM-3, Mercury diamonds, Curiosity sulphur, Perseverance organics, Jupiter dark matter, Titan lakes and core, Ariel ocean.

421. Aug. 2024 (3) – website: Yutu-2, IM-2 & IM-3, Mercury diamonds, Curiosity sulphur, Perseverance organics, Jupiter dark matter, Titan lakes and core, Ariel ocean.

422. Aug. 2024 (4) - Orkney: Yutu-2, IM-2 & IM-3, Mercury diamonds, Curiosity sulphur, Perseverance organics, Jupiter dark matter, Titan lakes and core, Ariel ocean, Arp penguin and egg.

423. Sep. 2024 (1) – TGO: Saturn and Neptune oppositions.

424. Sep. 2024 (2) - Arran: Snowball Earth, Cluster deorbit, Mars missions, Insight water, dinosaur asteroid, JUICE flyby.

425. Sep. 2024 (3) - website: Snowball Earth, Cluster deorbit, Mars missions, Insight water, dinosaur asteroid, JUICE flyby.

426. Sep. 2024 (4) - Orkney: Snowball Earth, Cluster deorbit, Mars missions, Insight water, dinosaur asteroid, JUICE flyby.

427. ‘Visit to Machrie Moor’, ArranSound, 1st September 2024.

428. Oct. 2024 (1) – TGO: Comet ATLAS, Orionid Meteors.

429. Oct. 2024 (2) – Arran: EarthSky appeal, annular eclipse, lunar volcanoes, JUICE flyby, Perseverance climb, comets, Barnard’s Star planet.

430. Oct. 2024 (3) – website: EarthSky appeal, annular eclipse, lunar volcanoes, JUICE flyby, Perseverance climb, comets, Barnard’s Star planet.

431. Oct. 2024 (4) – Orkney: EarthSky appeal, annular eclipse, lunar volcanoes, JUICE flyby, Perseverance climb, comets, Barnard’s Star planet.

432. Nov. 2024 (1) – TGO: Comet A3.

433. Nov. 2024 (2) – Arran: CAPSTONE, Olympus Mons, Perseverance, Hera, Europa Clipper, Uranus, comets, Centaur plumes, Subaru KBOs.

434. Nov. 2024 (3) – website: CAPSTONE, Olympus Mons, Perseverance, Hera, Europa Clipper, Uranus, comets, Centaur plumes, Subaru KBOs.

435. Nov. 2024 (4) – Orkney: CAPSTONE, Olympus Mons, Hera, Europa Clipper, Uranus, comets, Centaur plumes, Subaru KBOs.

436. Dec. 2024 (1) – TGO: Moon, Mars and Comets.

437. Dec. 2024 (2) -Arran: Europa Clipper, Uranus ocean.

438. Dec. 2024 (3) - wensite: Europa Clipper, Uranus ocean.

439. Dec. 2024 (4) - Orkney: Europa Clipper, Uranus ocean.

440. Jan. 2025 (1) -TGO: Quadrantid meteors.

441. Jan. 2025 (2) - ArranSound: Midwinter Sun, Parker probe, Deccan Traps, Perseverance, Io, OPAL, observatories threatened.

442. Jan. 2025 (3) - website: Midwinter Sun, Parker probe, Deccan Traps, Perseverance, Io, OPAL, observatories threatened.

443. Jan. 2025 (4) - Arran: Midwinter Sun, Parker probe, Deccan Traps, Perseverance, Io, OPAL, observatories threatened.





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