1. Obituary, Len Carter, ASTRA, January 2000.
2-3. ‘Tribute to Prof. Terence Nonweiler’/‘ASTRA and Waverider’, “Proceedings of the Second British Rocketry Oral History Programme Conference”, British Rocketry Oral History Programme, 2000.
4. ‘ASTRA in 1999, Companies Office report’, 2000.
5. Obituaries, Isaac Asimov and Prof. Gerard K. O’Neill, ASTRA, May 2000.
6. Obituary, George Hay, ASTRA, May 2000.
7. Obituary, Gerry Carter, ASTRA, May 2000.
8. Editorial, Asgard, June 2000.
9/10. ‘Project Starseed’, ‘Odd Ways into Orbit’, Asgard, June 2000.
11. Letter, ‘1570’s Circle of Fire’, Cambridge Conference Net, 21st June 2000.
12. ‘Memorandum Submitted by the Association in Scotland to Research into Astronautics’, Appendix 14, Department of Trade & Industry Tenth Report, “UK Space Policy”, House of Commons, 4 July 2000.
13. Letter, ‘What Caused the Dark Ages?’, Cambridge Conference Net, 12th September 2000.
14. Letter, ‘On Lunies, Hermians and Other Minor Planets’, Cambridge Conference Net, 14th September 2000.
15. ‘ASTRA in 2000, Companies Office report’, 2001.
16. Editorial, Spacereport, June 2001.
17. ‘Obituary: Ex-Councillor Iain Thomas’, Spacereport, June 2001.
18. ‘British Rocketry and Space Development’, Spacereport, June 2001, illus. Ed Buckley; altered version Space Policy, September 2001.
19. ‘Three Views of THE DISH: Duncan Lunan’, Spacereport, June 2001.
20. Editorial, Asgard, July 2001.
21. ‘Notes on “Raiding the Moon” by Buff Wilson’, Asgard, July 2001.
22. (with Sydney Jordan) ‘If Eagles Fell’, Asgard, July 2001, illus. Sydney Jordan, reprinted in William Rudling, ed., “The Lunar 10”, (see Books).
23. Review, ‘Shelfspace: “The Moon”, by Bonnie Cooper et al, Asgard, July 2001; reprinted (abridged), Space Policy, December 2001.
24. ‘And Finally… Yes, We Did Go to the Moon’, Asgard, July 2001; illus. David Hardy.
25. Obituary, Oscar Schwiglhofer, Glasgow Herald, August 2001.
26. ‘Editorial 2: Condolences America’, Spacereport, September 2001.
27. ‘Obituary: Poul Anderson’, Spacereport, September 2001.
28. ‘Celebrating British Achievement in Space’, Spacereport, September 2001; illus. Ed Buckley.
29. Review, ‘Shelfspace: Nicholas Hill, “A Vertical Empire”’, Spacereport, September 2001; (abridged) Space Policy, December 2001.
30. Review, ‘Shelfspace: Duncan Steel, “Target Earth”’, Spacereport, September 2001; (abridged) Space Policy, December 2001; reprinted Cambridge Conference Net, 15th February 2002.
31. Obituary, Oscar Schwiglhofer, Spacereport, September 2001.
32. Letter, ‘Impact Imagery in the Hebrew Bible’, Cambridge Conference Net, 30th November 2001.
33. ‘Promoting UK Involvement in the ISS: a Space Station Lifeboat?’, Space Policy, December 2001; illus. Gordon Ross.
34. Obituary, Oscar Schwiglhofer, Space Policy, December 2001.
35. Editorial, Spacereport, December 2001.
36. ‘2001 Remembered’, Spacereport, December 2001; illus. Andrew Paterson.
37. ‘ASTRA and SF’, Spacereport, December 2001.
38. ‘ASTRA in 2001, Companies Office report’, reprinted Spacereport, December 2001.
39. Letter, ‘1680 Comet’, Cambridge Conference Net, 1st February 2002.
40. ‘Introduction to the Politics of Survival’, Asgard, March 2002.
41. ‘The Politics of Survival’, revised version, Asgard, March 2002; www.duncanlunan.com, August 2013; Appendix, “Incoming Asteroid!”, Springer, October 2013.
42-43. ‘Keep Watching the Skies!’, revised versions, Asgard, March 2002, and Cambridge Conference Net; illus. Sydney Jordan, Gordon Ross.
44. ‘Obituary, John Middleton Murray’, (Richard Cowper), Glasgow Herald, May 10, 2002.
45. ‘A Politics of Survival Option: an End to Warfare’, Asgard, June 2002 (as ‘The Abolition of War: a Politics of Survival Option’); illus. Gary Bonn and Sydney Jordan.
46. (with Andy Nimmo and James McLean) ‘An End to Terrorism – Is It Possible?’, Asgard, June 2002.
47. ‘Terraforming the Earth: the Sahara Spearhead’, Asgard, June 2002 (later illustration by Andrew Paterson).
48. Review, ‘Shelfspace: “Tracking Apollo to the Moon”, “The Moon” and THE DISH’, Asgard, June 2002.
49. ‘Lord Young of Dartington and the Argo Venture’, Space Policy, summer 2002, Asgard, November 2002.
50. Review, ‘ THE DISH’; Hamish Lindsay, “Tracking Apollo to the Moon”,
David Whitehouse, “The Moon: a Biography”, Space Policy, August 2002.
51. (with Jamie McLean), ‘Everything You Wanted to Know About ASTRA Discussion Projects (but were afraid to ask)’, New International Spacereport, Number One, September 2002.
52. ‘Let’s Take a Look at: The Association in Scotland to Research into Astronautics Limited’, Scottish Astronomers Group Magazine, October 2002.
53. ‘Visitor at Uist’, Journal of the Royal Artillery, Autumn 2002; reprinted Spacereport, March 2003; illus. Duncan Lunan.
54. ‘Amateur Astronomy’, Third Force News, December 13th, 2002.
55. (edited) ‘Saving Airdrie Observatory’, New International Spacereport, Number Two, December 2002.
56. ‘Preamble to the Ramble’ & ‘Epilogue’, New International Spacereport, Number Three, January 2003.
57. ‘Everything You Wanted to Know About ASTRA Exhibition Projects (but were afraid to ask)’, New International Spacereport, Number Five, January 2003.
58. ‘Leonid Meteors’, Scottish Astronomers Group Magazine, January 2003.
59-61. ‘Editorial/The Fight for Airdrie Observatory/Other ASTRA News’, Asgard, January 2003.
62. (with Andy Nimmo) ‘A Politics of Survival Option: Meritocracy for Space Settlements’, Asgard, January 2003.
63. Editorial, Spacereport, March 2003.
64. Obituary, John H. Fadum, Spacereport, March 2003.
65. ‘Epilogue: “Shuttle Down”’, Spacereport, March 2003.
66. ‘Vale, Columbia’, Spacereport, March 2003.
67. ‘Space News – Columbia, Pioneer 10, Galileo’, Jeff Hawke’s Cosmos, Vol. 1 No. 1, March 2003.
68. ‘Project Starseed’ (updated), Settlers’ Sentinel, April 2003; Asgard, November 2003; illus. Ed Buckley, Tom Campbell, Sydney Jordan and Thayen Rich. Reprinted NEAmines Digest No. 1342, 18th March 2013.
69. ‘ASTRA in 2002, Companies Office report’, 2003.
70. Letter, ‘Mars Flashes’, Cambridge Conference Net, 28th April 2003.
71. Letter, ‘Brass Tacks: cover illustrations’, Analog, June 2003.
72. Editorial, Spacereport, August 2003.
73. ‘Of Practical Geometry – and Other Practicalities’, Scottish Astronomers Group Magazine, July 2003; longer version Spacereport, September 2003.
74. ‘Annular Eclipse Report’, Scottish Astronomers Group Magazine, July 2003; longer version, Spacereport Editorial, August 2003.
75. Tenants’ Steering Group Report, Argyle Local Housing Organisation News, August 2003.
76. ‘Space News – Mars Probes’, Jeff Hawke’s Cosmos, Vol. 1 No. 2, August 2003; illus. Sydney Jordan.
77. ‘40 Years of ASTRA Publications’, Spacereport, August 2003.
78. ‘40 Years of ASTRA Publications Index’, Spacereport, August 2003.
79. ‘ASTRA News’, Asgard, December 2003.
80-81. ‘ASTRA History – the First 50 Years’, ASTRA, December 2003; expanded version ‘… the First 57 Years’, ASTRA website, 2010.
82. ‘Space News: Shenzhou, Closest Asteroid Yet Flies Past Earth, OWL - the Overwhelmingly Large Telescope’, Asgard, .December 2003, reprinted Jeff Hawke’s Cosmos, February 2004,
83-84. Hawke’s Notes – ‘Sacrifice’, ‘Chacondar’, Jeff Hawke’s Cosmos, Vol. 1 No. 3, February 2004; illus. Sydney Jordan.
85. Letter, ‘Brass Tacks: Shuttle abort to launch site’, Analog, March 2004.
86. Obituary, Danny Kane, Glasgow Herald, May 2004.
87. ‘ASTRA in 2003, Companies Office report’, 2004.
88. ‘Science News: Concorde, the UK and the Planets’, Jeff Hawke’s Cosmos, Vol. 2 No. 1, June 2004.
89-90. Hawke’s Notes – ‘Sacrifice, part 2’, ‘Anti-Gravity Man’, Jeff Hawke’s Cosmos, Vol. 2 No. 1, June 2004; illus. Sydney Jordan and Ed Buckley.
91. Obituary, Matt Ewart, ASTRA, September 2004.
92. Obituary, Jean Coles, née Tycholiz, ASTRA, September 2004.
93-94. Hawke’s Notes – ‘Sanctuary’, ‘Ghost Errant’, Jeff Hawke’s Cosmos, Vol. 2 No. 2, December 2004.
95. ‘Space Notes – Cassini and Huygens’, Jeff Hawke’s Cosmos, Vol. 2 No. 2, December 2004; illus. Gavin Roberts.
96-99. Hawke’s Notes: ‘The Martian Invasion’, ‘The Search for Asteron’, ‘The Threat from the Past’, ‘The Opposite Power’, in William Rudling, ed., “The Martian Quartet”, (see Books).
100. ‘Space Notes – Mars, Deep Impact, Titan at Last’, Jeff Hawke’s Cosmos, Vol. 2 No. 3, May 2005.
101-102. Hawke’s Notes: ‘The Dream Pedlars’ (contd. Vol. 3 No. 1), ‘The Great Atlantic Crossing’, Jeff Hawke’s Cosmos, Vol. 2 No. 3, May 2005.
103. Letter, ‘Hawke’s Notes Needs Your Help’, Jeff Hawke’s Cosmos, Vol. 2 No. 3, May 2005.
104. ‘ASTRA in 2004, Companies Office report’, 2005.
105. Hawke’s Notes: ‘Pass the Parcel’, Jeff Hawke’s Cosmos, Vol. 3 No. 1, December 2005.
106-108. Hawke’s Notes: ‘The Poltergeist’, ‘A Foreign Body’, ‘Poles Apart’, Jeff Hawke’s Cosmos, Vol. 3 No. 2, May 2006.
109-110. ‘ Astronomy in Turkey’, ‘Space Notes – Current Space Missions’, Jeff Hawke’s Cosmos, Vol. 3 No. 2, May 2006.
111. ‘ASTRA in 2005, Companies Office report’, 2006.
112-115. Hawke’s Notes: ‘Space Rider’, ‘Rip Van Haddow’, ‘Prodigal Son?’, ‘The Intelligent Ones’, Jeff Hawke’s Cosmos, Supplement, August 2006.
116. ‘North Lanarkshire Astronomy Project’, Scottish Astronomers Group Magazine, November 2006.
117. ‘Children from the Sky’, updated, R.I.L.K.O. Journal 69, December 2006.
118-119. Hawke’s Notes: ‘Sitting Tenants’, ‘The Gamesman’, Jeff Hawke’s Cosmos, Vol. 3 No. 3, January 2007.
120-121. ‘Public Observatories’, ‘Space Notes – SMART-1, Cassini, Pluto, Planemos’, Jeff Hawke’s Cosmos, January 2007.
122. ‘ASTRA in 2006, Companies Office report’, 2007.
123-126. Hawke’s Notes: ‘Incognito’, ‘A Word of Advice’, ‘A Test Case’, ‘The First Person Plural’, Jeff Hawke’s Cosmos, Vol. 4 No. 1, May 2007.
127. ‘Space Notes – Current Space Missions’, Jeff Hawke’s Cosmos, Vol. 4 No. 1,
May 2007.
128. ‘Space Debris’, ASTRA Night Sky, April 2007, reprinted Jeff Hawke’s Cosmos,
Vol. 4 No. 1, May 2007.
129-138. Hawke’s Notes: ‘Time Out of Mind’, ‘Pastmaster’, ‘Moonstruck’, ‘The Day the Moon Nearly Exploded’, ‘The Strange Ship’, ‘Selena’, ‘Shorty’s Secret’, ‘Heir Apparent!’, ‘The Dear, Dead Days, The Nursery’, in William Rudling, ed., “The Lunar 10”, (see Books).
139. Sydney Jordan bio, Satellite 1 website, 2007.
140-142. Hawke’s Notes: ‘The Helping Hand’, ‘On the Run’, ‘Wildcat’, Jeff Hawke’s Cosmos, Vol. 4 No. 2, December 2007.
143. ‘Space Notes: Messenger, Dawn, Mars Rovers, Deep Space 1, Shuttle, ISS’,
Jeff Hawke’s Cosmos, Vol. 4 No. 2, December 2007.
144. Obituary, Van Middell, ASTRA, December 2007.
145. ‘Space Notes: Messenger, Opportunity, Venus Express, Deep Impact,
Columbus, SOHO, ASAT’, Jeff Hawke’s Cosmos, Vol. 4 No. 3, June 2008.
146-148. Hawke’s Notes: ‘SOS’, ‘Rescue Party’, ‘Here Be Tygers’, Jeff Hawke’s
Cosmos, Vol. 4 No. 3, June 2008.
149. ‘ASTRA in 2007, Companies Office report’, 2008.
150-152. Hawke’s Notes: ‘Uncanny Deep’, ‘Winner Gain All’, ‘Moratorro’, Jeff
Hawke’s Cosmos, Vol. 5 No. 1, November 2008.
153. ‘The Sky Above You: Phoenix, Cassini-Enceladus, Space Shuttle, Hubble
Repair’, Jeff Hawke’s Cosmos, Vol. 5 No. 1, November 2008.
154. Review, Harry Turtledove, “The Man with the Iron Heart”, Interzone, December
155. Exhibition catalogue, ‘Spaceflight Then and Now’, ASTRA, December 2008.
156-159. Revised Hawke’s Notes: ‘The Martian Invasion’, ‘The Search for Asteron’, ‘The Threat from the Past’, ‘The Opposite Power’, in William Rudling, ed., “The Martian Quartet”, 2nd edition, Jeff Hawke Club, 2009 (see Books).
160. ‘ASTRA in 2008, Companies Office report’, 2009.
161-163. ‘Hawke’s Notes: Out of Touch, Made in Birmingham, The Changeling’, Jeff Hawke’s Cosmos, Vol. 5 No. 2, June 2009.
164. ‘Space Notes: Selene-Tycho, Phoenix, Mars Methane, HST Repair, Extrasolar
Planets’, Jeff Hawke’s Cosmos, Vol. 5 No. 2, June 2009.
165. Review, Christopher Priest, “‘It’ Came from Outer Space: Occasional Pieces
1973-2008”, Interzone, June 2009.
166. Review, L. Jagi Lamplighter, “Prospero Lost”, Interzone, July-Aug
167. Catalogue, ‘”Man on the Moon”, 40th Anniversary Exhibition’, ASTRA, July
168. ‘My Haunting Experiences’, Appendix II – Narrative of Respondent G’, in
Mandy Todd, “The Ghost is Just the Sign: Haunting, History and Modernity in 21st Century Scotland”, Sociology/Anthropology Honours Dissertation, Glasgow University, 2009.
169. Review, Jaine Fenn, “Principles of Angels”, Concatenation, September 2009.
170. Review, Jaine Fenn, “Consorts of Heaven”, Concatenation, September 2009.
171. Review, Neal Asher, “Shadow of the Scorpion”, Concatenation, September
172. Review, Liz Williams, “Winterstrike”, Concatenation, September 2009.
173. Review, Keith Brooke, “The Accord”, Concatenation, September 2009.
174-176. Hawke’s Notes, ‘The Engine that Worked on Grass’, ‘Rogue Star’,
‘Faery Land Forlorn’, Jeff Hawke’s Cosmos, Vol. 5 No. 3, November 2009.
177. ‘The Sky Above You: Exoplanets and Cosmology’, Jeff Hawke’s Cosmos,
Vol. 5 No. 3, November 2009.
178. Obituary, Venetia Phair-Burney, Jeff Hawke’s Cosmos, Vol. 5 No. 3, November 2009.
179. Review, Steven Erikson, “Bauchelain and Korbal Broach”, Interzone, December 2009.