




Folk music articles and reviews for local papers, 1965-81, Glasgow University Magazine, 1965, and for The Glasgow Herald and The Broadsheet, 1984; most recent, review of David Proffitt Memorial Concert, Portsmouth, for The Scottish Folk Diary, January 1990.


Several folk music parodies on science fiction/fantasy themes and more serious songs, four of them (‘Space and Scotland’, ‘The Falklands Arthur Macbride’ with John Braithwaite, ‘Hercules’ with Linda Lunan, ‘Mythcon XV’ with Leigh Ann Hussey), in Gytha North, ed., “The Old Grey Wassail Test”, Beccon Publications, 1987, reprinted in Roger Robinson, ed., “...And Then 3 Come Along Together”, Beccon Books, February 2001.


‘Campaign Song for Dark Skies’, International Spacereport, June 1994; reprinted Scottish Astronomers Group Magazine, July 2002.


‘The Irvine Folk Song Club, 1966-72’, for Pete Heywood archive, November 2016; (with Pete Heywood), ‘The Early Days: Folk Music in Irvine and Ayrshire’, Marymass Folk Festival, 50 Years 1968-2017 Blog, Wordpress, August 2017; printed in Pete Heywood, ed., “50 Years of Marymass Folk Festival, an incomplete history”, Traditional Arts Development, 2021.


‘Music and the Folk Scene’, info for Fraser Bruce, spring 2020, contributing to “The Folk River, Tales from the Early Scottish Folk Scene”, Traditional Arts Development, 2022.


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